What is the purpose of Nurturing Care?

Nurturing Care:

Children of all ages benefit from a supportive environment. As a child’s brain is most vulnerable to external stimuli during this period, it is critical to pay attention. It is essential to a child’s health and growth. Nurturing Care does more than help kids grow up healthy on the inside; it also helps them develop emotionally, socially, and cognitively. 

It has long-term benefits for health, productivity, social cohesion, and future generations. Additionally, it protects children from the most severe impacts of hardship. They necessitate a specific approach in terms of policy and program design. Early Nurturing Care childhood education of excellent quality should be available to children from birth to age five. 

Inaction has a hefty price:

The risk factors of poverty and stunting alone are estimated to hurt children. Poverty, malnutrition, instability, gender inequity, violence, environmental pollution, and caregivers’ poor mental health are all factors that contribute to caregiver burnout. 

Mental Health

A variety of factors causes poor child development. As a result of natural catastrophes, conflict, or other problems, children in severe poverty and those who have been forced to escape their homes are particularly vulnerable. All of these minor expenses pile up, putting a damper on economic growth and revenue for the country as a whole. 

A rough estimate of the number of adults who experienced hardship in their formative years is available. Nurturing Care has to earn less than a third of the typical salary for adults in their country. Lack of investment in early childhood development has long-term consequences, as has been demonstrated. 

For the benefit of young people:

Early childhood development has become a significant focus for international organizations. World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund). Inspiring governments and other stakeholders to invest more in early childhood development in a coordinated manner.

Childhood Development

The Early Childhood Development Action Network collaborates with more than a dozen organizations dedicated to promoting early childhood development. The evidence-based Framework lays out specific steps to be taken and recommendations to be made.

Communities where children are most at risk of being left behind, are urged to pay attention. Strong and long-term political commitment is essential to the success of national programs. To identify best practices, the Nurturing Care Framework relies on programs. 

To increase the general public’s knowledge of the significance of early childhood development. A great desire to see poverty, inequality, and social injustice alleviated is present. Enabling environments and services are the focus of investments. Solid commitments and accountability procedures support families and caregivers. 

All children should have access to loving care:

To achieve its goals, the Framework relies on a wide range of stakeholders. The United Nations, development partners, the commercial sector, educational institutions, and service providers are all included in this Nurturing Care  group. More than 100 organizations from throughout the globe work together to improve the lives of children. 

All children must receive the best possible start in life. Even if the mechanism is different from country to country, effective coordination and accountability are necessary. Stakeholders must work together to develop, implement, and monitor their projects. To strengthen our commitment to the long-term sustainability of our children and our shared world. 

According to the Framework, early childhood development should be a shared responsibility of all governments and all stakeholders. The SDGs and the strong desire of parents and caregivers everywhere are based on these critical ideals. May improve health and human potential for all people in all societies. It is only possible if every child is allowed to thrive and no one is left behind.