Schooling In Baltimore

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Best Schooling In Baltimore

Cognitive, language, and movement milestones are critical components of and schooling program. It provides a higher level of learning with a curriculum that enhances social, communication, and language skills, including recognizing letters and sounds. The daily lessons also focus on mathematical thinking and program solving skills.

Language And Literacy

Our teachers help your child to make the connection between letters, words, and sounds. Our teacher uses age-appropriate books as your child listens to and retells stories. During which they ask various questions and share ideas. Language development is also strengthened through individual and small group activities in our learning centers.

Their Activities Include

  • Singing to learn the language words for parts of the body
  • Practicing writing letters of their name
  • Exploring unfamiliar vocabulary

Gross And Fine Motor Skill Development

We focus on developing strength, coordinating, and fitness in large and small muscles. We provide the environment, activity, and material needed by your child’s muscles to grow. Through fun-filled activities, our teacher gives your child the opportunities, motivation, and encouragement to develop new skills.

Their Activities Include

  • Practicing simple yoga stretches and poses
  • Building coordination by fitting pegs in a pegboard
  • Bouncing and catching balls.


Hild learns to identify similarities and differences within a group of objects. Our teacher guides your child through creating sets and counting beads and blocks. This helps them build a foundation for math and solve simple problems.

Their Activities Include

  • Making a graph of favorite colors
  • Building towers with blocks and counting them


The child explores the world around us through observation and problem-solving. We put the child natural sense of wonder to work, teaching them about people, plant, animal, and our environment through hands-on activities.

Their Activities Include

  • Reading the plant growth, making them plant a seed, and talking about what they see as we watch them grow.
  • Using clay and aluminum foil to explore what sinks and floats the concept

Social And Emotional Development

We try providing them an ideal community atmosphere for learning, taking turns, and sharing with friends. In our centers, our teacher guides your child through activities that help develop a sense of self while helping them build and maintain a positive relationship.

Their Activities Include

  • Reading to build self-awareness and confidence as a unique individual
  • Learning about other culture through storytelling and dance

Character Essentials

At Child Care Baltimore, we help your child become a good citizen. Character education is integrated into everything we do to support the ideas and skills your child is already learning. Our teachers guide your child through activities that build upon positive character traits, like responsibility, leadership, empathy and forming a healthy relationship.

Their Activities Include

  • Learning about emotions by discussing how events in a story make character feels
  • Learning about cooperating by working together to paint scenery for a puppet show

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Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, Cecil County, Harford County, Howard County, Queen Anne’s County


(667) 217-2840


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