Reading is one of the basic skills we acquire in the early stages of education. And while we learn to fluently combine letters into words and words into sentences, many of us, even adults, have difficulty understanding what we read. How to read to understand what is being reading comprehension?

Reading Comprehension. How To Teach

1. Learning To Read Comprehension

Learning the letters of the alphabet, putting them into words and sentences, and even reading fluently, is just the beginning that develops learning to read with understanding. After all, we read practically every day to obtain information or for fun. It is a skill that is useful not only for a child to learn something, but also for adults to understand something quickly.

How To Teach A Child To Read Comprehension?

First of all, make sure that you have learned to read and that your child knows what to read. Then let him read silently – usually when learning, we want to hear “effects” and teach the child to read aloud. This unfortunately makes reading comprehension difficult. In life, we most often read minds, so there is no need to train a child to read aloud, because this skill is less useful, and only makes it difficult to understand the text.

Reading comprehension requires learning several elements at once. It begins with the recognition of graphic symbols, and then the thought-reasoning processes take place, including perception, memory , imagination and our emotions.

2. Where To Start Learning To Read?

As we already know, reading is not only recognizing the meaning of words and sentences, but also associating various components and remembering them . Understanding the text therefore consists of getting to know the words and phrases, getting to know all the accompanying information, focusing on the leading idea and only understanding the meaning of the entire text. Initially, this seems to be a complicated process, so we can help your child learn to read comprehension by asking additional questions to the text.

Give your child a text to read and ask them to make a plan of events. Have the student describe in turn what the text is about. If he has problems with the chronology, have him read the passage again.

3. What Hinders The Understanding Of The Text?

Remember that the point is not that the child recites the text, but that he understands what he is reading. This makes it easier to remember. Reading comprehension is essential for fast learning.

What Can Hinder This Process?

Take care of the appropriate conditions in the child’s room – it is about his space, because it is easier to focus in a cleaned room than where there are various distractions around. Silence is also important – music or TV in the background is not conducive to concentration. Also remember about proper lighting.

4. Reading Comprehension Training For Teenagers And Adults

Okay, what if we ourselves have a problem with focusing our thoughts? You have the ability to read with understanding, and yet you read the same text for the third time and still do not know what it is about ?

Reading Comprehension

Simple Exercises Will Help:

Before reading a text, ask yourself what you want to learn from it.

After reading the text, consider whether you have answered your question.

Take notes in the margins and mark out important parts. Write down passwords , write conclusions on a regular basis.

If you need to, create an event plan or mind map . It is a graphical diagram that helps to organize information and remember the most important assumptions.

If your thoughts are distracted and you are having a hard time concentrating, try reading shorter passages and pondering individual paragraphs.

To help your kids grow, you should provide them with high-quality care. Please let us know if you require any other information.