Recruitment for state kindergartens began in most municipalities around the turn of March and April. The first reports are now being published. What do you do if your child is put on the ineligible list? How do you challenge the decision of the selection committee?

1. Recruitment Schedule For Public Kindergartens

Kindergarten Admission. What Is The Best Way

As is the case each year, public kindergartens receive far more applications than they can accommodate. The following requirements are taken into consideration. When hiring in compliance with the Education Law Act:

  • The candidate’s family consists of a large number of children;
  • candidate’s handicap;
  • Candidate’s childhood in a single-family; 
  • placement of the candidate in substitute treatment.

Local governments also pay heed to the following:

  • Are the parents working?
  • Is the child’s younger sibling enrolled in the preschool?
  • Do parents have to pay taxes in a particular commune?

Municipalities post lists of eligible and non-qualified children after reviewing the applications.

2. Recruitment To Kindergarten. The Appeal

If the names of our children appear on the list of unqualified children, we can appeal to the admissions committee and then to the headmaster of the kindergarten or school.

After the lists are posted, parents have 7 days to request the admissions committee to justify the refusal in writing. After receiving the document, they again have 7 days to submit an appeal against the commission’s decision to the director of the facility.

Due to the existing epidemic threat, most institutions allowed for an appeal by e-mail.

3. What If The Child Has Not Been Admitted To Kindergarten?

In the event that the candidate is not admitted to any institution. The parent should receive a personal referral for his child to a kindergarten, primary school with kindergarten units, or a public kindergarten run by another authority with vacancies.

If the parent does not want to use such a referral, he or she may participate in supplementary recruitment.

4. How To Write An Appeal?

The content of the appeal should look like this:

In connection with the decision received on ………. not to accept my child …………………… (name and surname of the child, PESEL) to ………………… (name of the kindergarten) due to not obtaining a sufficient number of points, I appeal against the above decision. I kindly ask you to reconsider my application. Please consider …… (justification).

The reasons for refusing to admit a child to kindergarten should contain at least 2-3 arguments for the fact that the toddler should go to this particular institution.

5. What Arguments To Use?

Kindergarten Admission

It is best to refer to the lack of childcare, during the parents’ working hours or the financial situation that does not allow the child to be placed in a private institution. Also:

no possibility of employing a babysitter due to the financial condition of the family,

The conditions in our family have changed after submitting the application, e.g. a parent has taken up employment, another child will appear in the family, or there has been the commencement of independent raising of the child.

Challenging and encouraging your kids to strive for excellence. Please let us know if you need any other information.