Emergency School Daycare

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Emergency School Daycare In Baltimore

Parents that have no other option are supported with emergency daycare facilities. They’re also for kids whose parents have jobs that provide them with urgent daycare.

These programs should only be used by families who are qualified to them and whose back to duty leaves them without any other option, according to government guidelines for reducing the risk of transmitting the disease.

These services are offered:

  • These programs are available to children aged 4 to 13 who are currently enrolled in a nursery or grade school. 
  • Registration is required.
  • It is critical to enroll each of your kids who may need this service.
  • Filled out a separate form for every day of service.
  • It would also be necessary to sign up in person on the day of the service.

You will be asked to fill out an official document when you arrive at the urgent daycare facility, about which you ought to:

  • define the specific education of each child enrolled, provide evidence that you are eligible
  • specify other people who are allowed to pick up each child who has been registered

What To Carry When Dropping Off Your Kid: 

  • A hot or cold snack in an enclosed jar, as well as treats for each child, enrolled, 
  • Shoes to carry inside of the school any other materials your kids can need if they have special needs

Only the parent who is registered to the service and those who are permitted to pick up the kids will be able to do that at the ends of the day. Every child’s observation checklist will be signed by the individual picking up the children.

Emergency Daycare Facilities Are Available.

In extraordinary cases, emergency daycare services are given to parents who have no other options. Furthermore, they are only available to children whose parents work in occupations that would be on the checklist of critical facilities, granting them access to emergency daycare.

These programs should only be used by families who are qualified to them and whom it is the only choice that allows them to return to work, according to official guidelines for minimizing the burden of the virus spreading. 

Book An Appointment !

Our infant care is developed through our curriculum to provide your baby with well-rounded learning experiences while receiving positive, nurturing care.


Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, Cecil County, Harford County, Howard County, Queen Anne’s County


(667) 217-2840



Working Hours

24/7 Emergency Service