Childhood Development is concerned with how health, nutrition, affection, stimulation, and education all contribute to the well-being of a kid. She will benefit from the advantages she gains throughout her formative years for the rest of her life.

No matter what happens in her life?

This is what economics has shown us over the last few decades. She will not lose her ability to learn or forget the social skills she has gained. Investing in children has numerous long-term advantages. ECD’s built-in sustainability also makes it a great option. 

This has been proven by studies in both developed and underdeveloped countries:

High-quality preschool programs that target vulnerable populations may yield an annual return rate of 7–16 percent. As adults, they have a 33% higher chance of escaping poverty. Those who avoid stunting are more likely to graduate from high school and earn between 5% and 50% more money than their peers. 

There are also several sound effects on education and health that can be attributed to the money spent. We can tell that ECD is a fantastic investment that will pay off in the long run! Reduced adolescent risk-taking and increased adult productivity are the results of this study.

adult productivity

Many investments in Childhood Development are risky because they require ongoing maintenance. Alternatively, you risk becoming obsolete if circumstances change or policy evolves too quickly. How can we help countries prioritise ECD in view of its critical importance as a foundation for equitable development and economic progress?

There is a wide range of ECD initiatives taken worldwide, and they don’t necessarily align with one another. ECD is one of the most effective and efficient approaches to increasing the quality of interventions implemented in the field. As a result, caretakers, educators, and health professionals gain newfound confidence. Emotional and cognitive development is enhanced as a result of this. Early stimulation, care, and education can be stunted if proper nutrition isn’t provided.

It is necessary to have access to clean water and sanitation, to ensure appropriate health, ECD is getting more support from the World Bank Group and countries that are expanding their need for it. The overwhelming majority of information supports investing in children while they are young. These include diet, health, and early stimulation.

The Bank of International Settlements’ dual objectives of increasing shared prosperity and improving young people’s chances are dependent on one other. As well as investments in agriculture and water and sanitation to ensure food security and sanitary conditions in the communities in which people live. 

food security

Invest in the Education of Young Childhood development:

Strengthen the economy by reducing deficits. According to Professor Heckman in this two-page summary document, investing in high-quality early childhood education for low-income children is the best method to minimize deficits. Increases revenue and reduces the need for social spending due to better education, health, social, and economic results. 

Should prioritize early Childhood Development from birth until the age of five, and it is better to begin as soon as feasible. For people who live in low-income households with limited financial resources It’s too late to start at the age of three or four because it doesn’t consider the fact that abilities build on one another in a complementary and dynamic manner. 

To maximize efficiency and effectiveness, you should concentrate efforts in the early years. The best investment for disadvantaged children and their families is high-quality early Childhood Development from birth to age five.” Investing heavily in early childhood education is a surefire way to cut deficits and boost the economy. 

Individuals’ and society’s health and well-being are at stake. Abuse throughout childhood affects a person’s cognitive abilities, resulting in lower output and more burdens on the public purse.  Working with a group of economists, Professor Heckman has done groundbreaking work. According to psychologists, statisticians, and neuroscientists, early Childhood Development directly impacts the economy.